Interactive experience design,
Physical Computing
bingComputing @ 2019
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Comparing with other body parts' movements, the facial movements are so subtle, so tiny - yet so intimate with our emotion, or saying, our psychological sense.

Therefore, the project " ;-) " would look into how the small facial actions caused by/ affecting our emotions can be sensed by the physical computing system, and then react to affecting the visual / audio narratives in which we are experiencing.

The focus of this project is to provide the participants an experience of how it feels like to have your facial movement read by and react by the computing system, and further to generate/control the computing visual/ audio materials. Though this experience, audience would raise awareness of their facial movements, and have better understandings of the meaning/power of their facial expression.
"Your wink makes me fall." (Visual & Audio)
"Your smile touched me." (Visual)